Looking Forward..
We hope you all had a calm and reflective bank holiday weekend – it was certainly quite something, was it not? – with some very beautiful moments, plenty of emotion and a lot of pause for thought.
So now in the spirit of looking to the future, our November concert is shaping up quite nicely. This Friday’s arrangements are as follows:
We will rehearse 2 ensembles this week. Please do not worry if you have said that you are absent this coming Friday. The recordings will be in Dropbox soon for you to practise.
Both Sides Now – this will be rehearsed at 6:45pm, prior to the main rehearsal with the respective Soulsters:
Sopranos: Liz E, Sarah C, Val, Janet A, Brenda F, Elaine L, Colleen, Liz J, Sarah L-E
Altos: Fran, Kate W, Elaine K, Joan T, Helen E, Annette, Katy D
Lowers: Simon M, David J, Mick S, Alan, Barbara, Matt
Life on Mars – this will be rehearsed at 9.00pm after the main rehearsal with the following Soulsters:
Sopranos: Maggie, Lisa, Lucy, Jo B, Brenda, Jo B-M, Jan W, Sarah C
Altos: Wellsie, Kate C, Gladys, Zoe, Nettie, Kate W, Fran
Tenors: David J, Barbara, Simon, Lesley, Alan
Bass: Paul B, Mick S
(Music for both of these were attached to last week’s Soulster Express and are in Dropbox.)
There are still some spaces in the following ensembles, so please reply to this email with your preference or sign up on Friday:
Life on Mars: a few more basses needed
Livin’ on a Prayer: sopranos and more lowers please
Wake Me Up: (we are not sure of the original line-up so please let us know if you couldn’t come last week, but were in the original ensemble). We are short of Soprano 2s. Soprano 1s could sign up for Sop 2 part for this ensemble.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the Choir Festival on 8 October. We’ll give you the finer details in the next week or two. It’s only 3 weeks to go, but don’t panic! The songs will NOT be off copy; folders will be allowed.
The most popular Christmas Party date was Friday 9 December, so put it in your diaries. All Soulsters, their families and friends are welcome to join us for some party fun (and maybe a little bit of singing too)! We’ll let you know what’s what nearer the time and in plenty of time to dust down your gladrags!
A reminder that Sue Giles will be bringing cake to the break on Friday 30 September, so please bring some change with you as a donation to the Alzheimers and Stroke societies.
And finally, a very big shout out to Peter who has done all his Dropbox guides – what a superstar! I am reliably informed that Susie is also ‘chipping away’ at hers. We know how much time and work this takes, so thank you to both our amazing MDs for their part in this. It’s much appreciated and makes us all sound fabulous! Thanks also go to Trish for uploading recordings and music to Dropbox behind the scenes. Awesome teamwork all round!
with love from H&S HQ
Friday 23 September 2022 Repertoire:
900 Miles
Hold Back the River
Piano Man
The Things We Do for Love
You’re the Voice
All music is available on Dropbox and can be accessed via the Members area of the website and enter the password: https://hertsandsoul.co.uk/members/
Soulster Event Calendar:
Friday 4 November, 7:30pm – Concert at Herts & Essex High School
Sunday 13 November – Remembrance Service – Memorial Gardens, Bishops Stortford
Saturday 8 October, 2:00 – 4:30pm – Bishop’s Stortford Choir Festival, St Michael’s Church, B/S
Sunday 4 December, 4:00pm – Lights of Love, Market Square, B/S
Friday 9 December, 7:15pm – Christmas Party! – Herts & Essex High School