Thank you to Peter and all those Soulsters who attended the Remembrance Service on Sunday. As usual, it was a thought-provoking affair, and it was again a privilege to be part of this important community event.
Many thanks also to those who volunteered last week to sing at the Rugby Club Christmas event on Friday 16 December. As we don’t have quite enough Soulsters available, we have declined taking part this year. So you get to put your feet up with a festive drink instead!
And so, onto Friday’s rehearsal.. with the concert and Remembrance behind us, we’re now looking ahead to our next event, the Isabel Hospice Lights of Love celebration, which will take place at 4pm on Sunday 4 December in the Market Square. The songs chosen by the hospice as well as those we select ourselves, are in the rep list below. In the absence of Susie, (who is off doing things wonderful at South Mill Arts), we will be welcoming Jonathan, a colleague of Peter’s, to our rehearsal. Luckily for Jonathan, Peter and his wiggle warm-up will come as no surprise!
Repertoire – Friday 18 November, 7:15pm
All the music and the sectionals are now on Dropbox and can be accessed via the Members area.
See you all Friday, lovely people!
Herts and Soulster HQ xx
Soulster Event Calendar:
Sunday 4 December, 4:00pm – Lights of Love, Market Square, B/S
Friday 9 December, 7:15pm – Christmas Party! – Herts & Essex High School
Friday 6 January, 7:15pm – First rehearsal of 2023!